The Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District (GMD3) is located in the heart of the irrigation/agri-business, industrial complex overlying the Ogallala Aquifer.
The district was organized to conserve groundwater resources, prevent economic deterioration, and provide for the stabilization of agriculture by establishing the right of local users to determine their own destiny with respect to the use of groundwater.
Ready to roll up your sleeves?
Whether it’s our monthly meetings or our variety of educational events throughout the year, we’d love to have you at any of the regular events Southwest Kansas GMD3 hosts.
The Southwest Kansas GMD3 Board of Directors typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month. The Board invites the public to attend its monthly meetings and to comment on agenda items or other matters before the Board. You can find meeting times, agendas, and documents on our Upcoming Events.
Western Water Conservation Projects Funds Meetings will be posted in Upcoming Events.
Upcoming Events
Kansas Grows Where Water Flows:
Click here to learn about the Kansas Aqueduct Coalition.
To contribute, Click here.