K.S.A. 82a-1021 (states in part):
(c) Any landowner who is not a water user may have such landowner’s land excluded from any district assessments and thereby abandon the right to vote on district matters by serving a written notice of election of exclusion with the steering committee or the board. Such landowner may again become an eligible voter by becoming a water user or by serving a written notice of inclusion on the board stating that the landowner has elected to be reinstated as a voting member of the district and will be subject to district assessments.
(d) Any eligible voter who is the owner of a tract or tracts of land comprising not less than 640 acres, located within the boundaries of the district, on which no water is being used or from which no water is being withdrawn, may have such tract or tracts of land excluded from district assessment in the manner described above.
(e) All notices of inclusion or exclusion of land shall be submitted to the board not later than January 1 of the effective year.
Must be completed and returned to GMD3 by January 1 of effective year
I certify that I am not a water user at any place on the land described above. I realize that by excluding all of my land (if all is excluded); I abandon my right to vote on District matters. I understand I may again become an eligible voter by becoming a water user, or by filing a written notice of inclusion to the Board of Directors by January 1 of the effective year.